
What Is Ferpection About? Take Screenshots, Give Feedback, Earn Money 

Last Modified: June 27, 2021

By: pitin

This post that tackles what is Ferpection about is an excellent starting point if you wish to know the good and the grim sides of it, so keep reading.

What Ferpection Is About

What Is Ferpection About?

When you take an interest in applying as a user experience tester, you'll find that there are a lot of websites or platforms to check out.

It is always a smart decision to research further about a particular platform like "Ferpection" before you give your personal details in the sign-up process. 

Ferpection started its history in France back in 2014 with its founders Thibault Geene and Arnaud Limbourg. The mission of this platform is to improve User Experience for everybody.

Requirements For Registering

You should meet the minimum age requirement of 16 years old when registering.

Other testing platforms ask that testers have computers and/or mobile devices they can use for testing. In some platforms, it is enough that you have a desktop or a laptop computer.

At Ferpection, however, smartphones and/or tablets are necessities to participate in missions.

From the FAQ page of the website, you could read that it is only looking for mobile testers. You can add iOS and Android devices, which you think you can use for future missions.

However, it allows you to add a personal computer as one of your testing devices.

There are also some tests that require you to give your IP address so you can access the website you need to test.

How It Works

At Ferpection, you will join 100,000 other testers who are already working from their homes. This testing opportunity allows you to earn money from sharing your opinion about various brands and companies.

You can explore apps and sites with the use of your tablet and smartphone. You can send your feedback, regardless if they are positive or negative.

You can improve your writing proficiency as you perform jobs providing your opinion about new websites and apps.

The Ferpection Difference

Other platforms require that you download and install a recording program or even show your face through a webcam.

At Ferpection, you will have missions to complete wherein you have to provide your opinion not through recorded audio, but through written feedback.

It requires you to send the screenshot of the issue you found from the website or app you are testing and then an explanation about the screenshot.

You must describe and report the positive and the negative elements of the test subject.

This Ferpection difference makes the platform preferable especially to people who do not feel comfortable about downloading programs and apps into their devices.

Even with no special app, you can take screenshots in your smartphone or tablet, so Ferpection missions are more convenient for testers to complete.

It is preferable also for those who do not want to show their faces on the screen.

Yet, the written feedback will probably be a matter to consider by those who think they are not good enough writers. Still, the FAQ section of Ferpection offers some guidelines and reviewers on how to write your feedback.

Writing A Feedback And Optimizing Screenshots

After making a screenshot, you need to choose the corresponding place for your feedback. Decide on whether you will give a compliment or will report a problem.

Give accurate and clear suggestions about the particular section. Describe what happened and what did not work when you performed an action. Tell if your feedback needs prioritization or not.

You may also first optimize your screenshot before you send it. You could use either Skitch (for adding arrows, drawings, symbols and writings on your screenshot) or Fotor (for gathering two screenshots in one page).

Interestingly, there are still missions on Ferpection that require screen recording that usually happen with other UX testing websites.

To accomplish such missions, Ferpection recommends you use Recordscreen.io so you will not need to install plug-ins or software.

Although there is already a recorded video, you still need to make a write up for a summary of your video feedback.

How To Join

The video below will walk you through the sign-up process at Ferpection and will also tell you about a certain issue that I also found worth mentioning.

Registration at Ferpection gives you an impression that it is a global website or a website that accepts all interested testers from all over the world.

You may begin your registration by visiting their website.

When you click the “Start Earning Money!” or “Become A Tester” button, a new tab will open where you can enter your email address and set up a password. You may also sign up via Facebook.

The next step involves entering your country. If you select a country where Ferpection offers no missions, you will immediately get the message “Sorry, we do not have any testing missions in your country. Thank you anyway!

This is troubling in a way that you have already given your email address or allowed access to your Facebook only to discover that it will not accept your tester application.

As a trustworthy website, Ferpection should have showed beforehand which country it only accepts testers from. 

It should also have included a message on the Testers Page that there are countries where Ferpection missions are not yet available, but interested testers may still apply so they will receive notification if tests are already available in those countries. 

This will allow the applicant to decide on his own if he will give his email or not.

If you enter a country where there are Ferpection missions available, you will see a pop-up image as your first mission, which can make you earn at least 2 euros once you complete all the steps.

First step involves entering your first name, year of birth and gender. In the second step, you will see examples of feedback on mobile apps and websites.

Then, you will need to visit a certain website and look for a potential problem. You will have a screenshot wherein you will need to explain whatever visible problem you see on that screenshot.

The third shot involves taking a screenshot. You could either use your computer’s print screen feature to save the image in Paint; or you may download the Greenshot free software for directly saving screenshots.

Then, your next task is to comment on the screenshot you took.

The earning opportunities are the so-called Missions. These are minor tasks to complete in exchange for reward.

Each mission is unique, so read the brief carefully and follow the instructions to the dot. Some people say that it will be better to use a screenshot tool rather than the usual way you take screenshots when completing a mission.

You know that they approved your mission when you receive an email from the community manager. Sometimes, an email from the community manager will not contain messages about the approval of your mission.

Instead, this email will contain a message that you need to rework on your mission. This is favourable since your work did not get an outright dismissal or rejection because they gave you another chance to perfect your report.

Potential Income

You can read about the payment details from the FAQ page of Ferpection, but not the exact amount you will receive for each completed mission.

For the mission my writer recently received, the reward is $10. If your accumulated rewards exceed 20 euros, you will receive your money through PayPal or Amazon gift cards on the last payday or last Friday of the month.

Work Schedule

The job of a web or app usability tester involves a flexible work schedule. You are comparable to an on-call employee wherein you will only work when you get a call or when you receive notifications about missions to complete.

There is no guarantee you will have one mission to complete in one day, one week or even one month. Therefore, as a smart online professional, make better use of your time by undertaking other money-making opportunities. 

Looking For A Legit Work-From-Home Job?


One thing you will find favourable to this platform is that it offers testers like you a useful material for your job. 

Here is a video you can watch that will teach you about carrying out a mission.



  • Ferpection has a creative sign-up process for those who are from a country where Ferpection missions are available.
  • Right from the sign-up process, you will already have some training on what you must do as Ferpection tester.
  • You need not install any screen recording app so you need not worry if you are downloading and installing a program that can affect your computer or device’s performance.
  • You also need not show your face through a webcam. This is a splendid opportunity for people who do not feel comfortable about showing their appearance to strangers.


  • You will not know if Ferpection accepts testers from your country unless you give your email.
  • You need to explain your feedback articulately, which can be bothersome for several people.
  • There are only few payment methods.

I would say that I would apply to Ferpection and try it only because of the unique way its testers should work. It is all about taking screenshots and explaining what you have found vexing about that area of a website or app.

If you can spend a few more hours of your daily schedule, you could take the side job. As you master the skills, the job gets easier.

Use your "side income" to invest in learning how to blog by actually doing blogging. Blogging can yield a full-time income when done often.

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