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How To Start A Blog About Music And Make A Living Online

How To Increase Word Count Without Losing Quality

If you are struggling to know how to increase word count, then this lesson is for you. These tips can help anyone double their word count without losing quality.

If you have ever felt like your writing isn't as good when it's longer, don't worry, too! I'll teach you how to write long-form content and still be proud of your final product.

how to increase word count

How To Increase Word Count

Use The Sentence Expander Template

The first tool I am going to introduce to you is the "Sentence Expander" from Jasper.ai (formerly called Jarvis.ai/Conversion.ai).

If you only have 1 sentence to say about something and you are already out of words, grab that sentence and open the "Sentence Expander" template.

To access the tool, go to your Dashboard > Sentence Expander.

Paste the sentence on the first slot.

jarvis ai sentence expander

The tone of voice can be used for different parts of speech that can be used in a sentence: verbs, nouns, adjectives, adverbs, etc.

You can also use famous people or characters like Megatron, Bob Marley...you can even put "king, queen, etc. to make the sentence sound more royal.

Now let's play with a sentence and see what outputs we can get based on the tone of voice.

Input: "If you are struggling to meet your word count goals, then this lesson is for you."


Tone of voice, running for President:

"If you are struggling to meet your weekly word count goals, then this lesson is for you. I have tried many ways of increasing my output over the years and I've finally found a solution that works for me."

Tone of voice, Simon Cowell:

"If you're struggling to meet your word count goals, then it's time for a reality check. You'll need five hundred words in order to be competitive, and that's just too many for you."

Tone of Voice, Mother Teresa:

"If you are having difficulty in making your daily word count, then this lesson is for you.

In my experience as a writer and helping others to be successful writers, I have found that there are many things that can get in the way of writing."

Tone of Voice, Steve Jobs:

"If you are struggling to meet your word count goals, then this lesson is for you. I'm going to teach you how it's easier than ever before in the modern age of technology and other equipment that makes writing more accessible."

Tone of voice, king:

"Good news, my fellow writer. Today, I am going to show you a few helpful strategies for creating more content."

Tone of Voice, servant:

"I am your writing coach, and I'm here to help you write more."

Tone of Voice, skeptic:

"It is not easy to stay motivated when you're trying to meet a daily word count goal."

Tone Of Voice, aggressive:

"You have to write every day."

Tone of Voice, playful:

"If you are having a hard time meeting your word count goals, this lesson is for you. I can teach you how to write more words in less time and still have an engaging piece."

Tone of voice, mathematician:

"If you are struggling to meet your word count goals, then this lesson is for you!

If meeting the goal of fifty words per minute feels like a daunting task, it’s time that we get creative."

Tone of voice, Picasso:

"If you are struggling to meet your word count goals, then this lesson is for you. You could spend hours trying and failing to brainstorm new ideas, or use the same old methods that only work some of the time, but what's really going on here?

The truth is most people don't know how much they need, because there isn't a magic formula that will help them figure it out!

It all depends on various factors like their age group, genre type, topic length, as well as many other things so we can see, where someone might have been overshooting with an excessively long novel just by looking at one page - which may not be representative of its overall shape."

Aside from adjectives, nouns, etc...I use the tone of voice to talk to a "target audience."

For example, "Talk persuasively to a fellow marketer who is pessimistic about the offer..."


"Warmly welcome a newbie blogger to my free online course."

That's adverb + verb + descriptive noun/target audience.

Warmly (adverb) welcome (verb) a newbie blogger (descriptive noun) to my free online course.

The possibilities are endless! 

Look at this...

Input: "If you are struggling to meet your word count goals, then this lesson is for you."

Tone of voice: "Talk to Jay, a newbie blogger who is not passionate about writing."

Sample Output

"If you're not writing about a subject that you care about, then you should reconsider. If it's just for money, then this is the wrong path. Passion matters and gets people through the tough times because they are motivated to finish their work."

tone of voice Jarvis AI

Use The Content Improver Template

In summary, it's like the Sentence Expander, except that it can accept up to 600 characters in the input, versus the 80 characters limit of the Sentence Expander.

This is the complete instruction on how to use the Content Improver.

Use The Long Form Assistant

The long-form assistant (accessible for Boss Mode users), will let you incorporate all the other useful templates such as:

  1. Blog post idea
  2. Blog topic outline
  3. Blog post introduction
  4. Content Improver
  5. Explain it to a child
  6. Blog Conclusion
  7. Creative Story
  8. Sentence Expander

To expand an idea in the long form assistant, grab a usable sentence, like this:

Input: "You have to write every day."

Paste it in the Sentence Expander template on the left side. To access it, you have to be in the "Power Mode." You can toggle this mode on and off from the top center.

switch on power mode

Using the Sentence Expander template, Jasper added this:

Added words (Tone of voice, aggressive):

"Writing every day is a must for anyone who wants to be successful. I can't stress this enough - if you want to be good, you need to write every single day until it becomes a habit."

To try it out for your current blog posts, go thru all your paragraphs and look for ones that might benefit from added words.

Grab the sentence of the paragraph and expand it.

If you are not a writer, read this lesson. Don't forget to watch the video, too!


An important thing to remember when you're writing long-form content is that it's not just about adding more words. Adding the right amount of words, in the right places can make your article clearer and give readers a better experience.

Don't forget to consume all the lessons on how to use the Long-Form Assistant (Blog Post Workflow) and all the templates you can integrate with it! You'll find them all here in my Content Creation Course.

Now it’s your turn to write.

And as Dumbledore gave Harry Potter the Cloak of Invisibility, I am giving you Jasper... use it well!

Should I Start A Blog

Don't Be Shy! Leave a Comment! :)

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  1. I like the comment you made to another person who responded to your post, which was that providing quality information to the reader is more important than reaching a set word count to please the search engines. (My paraphrase of what you said.)

    I have a tendency to write in a very straightforward way, getting the point across in few words, so I sometimes struggle with word count. Quality information matters, but no one wants their post to have only 300 words.

    I’ve learned to solve that by researching my topic thoroughly and adding any information that I feel would add to the reader’s experience. However, I didn’t know about the tools you highlight here, such as the Sentence Expander. It’s interesting, and I will check it out further.

    1. Hi Stella,

      I never thought that I would care about word count, but when you’re trying to get as much information in as possible without sounding monotonous or repetitive, it becomes a problem. If your posts tend not to be extra long and are usually pretty straightforward with the point being made quickly, it’s quite hard to justify if Google suddenly puts that short one on top instead of the more comprehensive ones.

      However, I’ve seen shorter articles on top positions, so you’ll never know. At the end of the day, the quality of the content and the relevance to whoever is looking for the information you have are what really matter. If there’s anything new or interesting, then add it on later as you update in the future.


  2. Pitin,

    You have shared some great tips and resources for doubling word count without losing quality. I’ve been a fair writer for most of my life. In fact, my dream was to become a famous author (wish I’d thought up Harry Potter first!). I wrote the way I talked–a friend telling a joke or engaging story. Going to 8 years of college changed that. I was required to write technical, professional article-like papers. It was difficult at first, but now the problem is being able to go back to that friendly, fun voice. My daughter keeps telling me to loosen up if I wan to survive as a blogger. 

    She’s right, and I know, after reading your blogs, that your suggestions are for me. I’ll experiment and let you know how things go. 



    1. Hi Tamara,

      It’s the opposite for me. I often write informally, putting emojis here and there and all that acronyms, lol. One of my friends asked me to stop putting LOL to everything I say, hahaha.

      The tone of voice is really helpful. I can sound “professional,” or “matured” when I need to, and at the same time, I can even impersonate the tone of voice of some well-known respected people, if the write-up calls for it.

      I’m excited to know your feedback about it. Let me know. 🙂



    1. Hi Michel,

      They do have a yearly price which gives you two months free. 🙂 It “may” change in the future, but it’s what it is as per writing this reply, June 12, 2021 🙂



  3. I have been having trouble trying to get enough words into my blog posts. After reading this article I feel much more confident! I like that you showed the sentence expander and that it has a tone of voice option. Great idea to put examples of the tones of output as well! I cant wait to use this tool on my next blog post. Thanks for the help!

    1. I’d love to see how it goes for you. 🙂 Let me know if you need any help, I’m just a message/comment away.


  4. This is awesome! Is this a free app or does it require a monthly fee? I love the examples this tool can come up with. The Mother Theresa one was great, and the one in Picasso’s style was quite long and detailed. Incredible! This really helps! And the sentences this Sentence Expander comes up with look professional and are well-written. This is good for any content writer.

    1. Hi Christine,

      There’s a 5-day free trial which gives you access to everything including 10,000 words for free. After that, the cheapest plan starts at $29/mo, for 20,000 words. The highest plan so far is $109 per month, with unlimited words.

      This info is accurate as of writing this reply, June 7, 2021.



  5. I will be honest and say that I started reading this post with a degree of skepticism. I’m of the mindset that you shouldn’t just bulk out your content to get extra words in there. If you can say it in fewer words but it makes perfect sense and gets the point across, then all well and good. Keep it simple. However, upon reading your article and taking a look at the tools you’ve suggested, I’m impressed. Rather than just word stuffing, these tools could be really useful for adding a little zing to flat or tired paragraphs here and there. Thanks. I’m going to give them a try.

    1. The length of any given webpage does not impact one’s SEO, and this is an old wives’ tale.

      The Google algorithm does not use the number of words as a factor, and their crawlers will render your page no matter what it looks like. So everything you include on your page should have a purpose. 

      That said, the rule of thumb is if you find yourself placing filler words into the content for lack of another sentence to write – stop writing! You should focus on ensuring that each word has meaning instead because those are the things that people read when they visit your site.

      These tools help non-writers express what they want to say, or someone who happens to be lost for words, but needs to write something anyway.

      Let me know how it goes for you! 🙂

  6. I did often look at the screen in a daze. After reading and trying out these templates, it really helped me to have a pattern when writing.

    1. Hi there,

      Yes. Jarvis indeed helps a lot with writer’s block. Everyone gets it, even professional writers. I have a few friends who have been working in big Ad agencies for years. After meeting Jarvis, they told me that it’s insane because now they have to do better than it since it can pose a threat to their jobs, lol. Of course, human writers will always win. It just takes a lot of load off your shoulders, especially when inspiration is not coming and you have a deadline to meet.:)


  7. This is very interesting! Sometimes I am stuck on a blog post, just because I haven’t much more to say about the topic. Still, making it twice as long, would be much better for Google SEO, I would presume ? Of course without losing quality and readability. I didn’t know about this tool, but I am sure going to give it a try from now on!

    1. Hi Lizzy,

      A longer post doesn’t always mean better SEO. Make sure people are reading what you have to say which is important in this day and age of short attention spans. Your content has to have depth, quality, and sense regardless of the word count. 🙂

      Let me know how it goes for you. 🙂


  8. How will this help people who are already good at word and sentence expansion? What inspired you to encourage this service?

    1. Hi,

      If you are talking about just the Sentence Expander, then it will probably don’t sound much value, especially for seasoned writers. However, having access to the Sentence Expander also means having access to the other 49 (and counting) templates that make even professional copywriters go crazy about the Conversion.ai program.

      As of writing this reply, May 30,2021 these are the templates you can access too!

      Generic Templates:
      1. Content improver (Take a piece of content and rewrite it to make it more interesting, creative, and engaging.)
      2. Persuasive bullet points (Generate persuasive bullet points to insert into landing pages, emails, and more.)
      3. Feature to Benefit (Turn your product features into benefits that compel action.)
      4. Explain It To a Child (Rephrase text to make it more simple to understand and easier to read.)
      5. Press Release Title & Intro (Write the opening paragraph of a press release that people will actually want to read.)
      6. Text Summarizer (Get the key point from a piece of text.)
      7. Business or Product Name (Generate a winning name for your business or product.)
      8. Poll Questions & Multiple Choice Answers (Engage your community and get to know them on a deeper level. Create questions with multiple choice answers.)
      9. Long Form Assistant (get help writing emails, long social posts, blog posts, books, etc.)

      Video Templates:
      1. Video Topic Ideas (Brainstorm new video topics that will engage viewers and rank well on YouTube.)
      2. Video Script Outline (Create script outlines for your videos. Works best for “Listicle” and “How to” style videos.)
      3. Video Titles (Create engaging, click-worthy titles for your videos that will rank on Youtube.)
      4. Video Script Hook and Introduction (Create a video intro that will capture your viewer’s attention and compel them to watch all the way through.)
      5. Video Description – YouTube (Create unique descriptions for Youtube videos that rank well in search.)

      Frameworks Templates:
      1. AIDA Framework (Use the oldest marketing framework in the world. Attention, Interest, Desire, Action.)
      2. PAS Framework (Problem-Agitate-Solution. A valuable framework for creating new marketing copy ideas.)
      3. Before-After-Bridge Framework (Create marketing copy using the BAB framework. Before, After, Bridge.)

      Email Templates:
      1. Personalized Cold Emails (Write cold emails that actually work and get responses.)
      2. Email Subject Lines (Write compelling email subject lines that get readers to open.)

      Website Templates:
      1. Perfect Headline (Trained with formulas from the world’s best copywriters, this template is sure to create high-converting headlines for your business.)
      2. Website sub-headline (Create delightfully informative sub-headlines (H2) for your websites and landing pages.)
      3. Company Bio (Tell your company’s story with a captivating bio.)
      4. Feature to Benefit (Turn your product features into benefits that compel action.)
      5. Unique Value Propositions (Create a clear statement that describes the benefit of your offer in a powerful way.)

      Blog Templates:
      1. Blog Post Topic Ideas (Brainstorm new blog post topics that will engage readers and rank well on Google.)
      2. Blog Post Outline (Create lists and outlines for articles. Works best for “Listicle” and “How to” style blog posts or articles.)
      3. Blog Post Intro Paragraph (Blast through writers’ block by letting us write your opening paragraph for you)
      4. Blog Post Conclusion Paragraph (Wrap up your blog posts with an engaging conclusion paragraph.)
      5. SEO – Blog Posts – Title and Meta Descriptions (Write SEO-optimized title tags and meta descriptions for blog posts that will rank well on Google.)

      Ads Templates:
      1. Facebook ad headline (Generate scroll-stopping headlines for your Facebook Ads to get prospects to click, and ultimately buy.)
      2. Facebook ad primary text (Create high converting copy for the “Primary Text” section of your Facebook ads.)
      3. Google ads headline (Create high converting copy for the “Headlines” section of your Google Ads.)
      4. Google ads description (Create high converting copy for the “Description” section of your Google Ads.)

      E-commerce Templates:
      1. Product description (Create compelling product descriptions to be used on websites, emails, and social media.)
      2. Amazon product features (bullets) – Create key feature and benefit bullet points for Amazon listings under the “about this item” section.
      3. Amazon product description (paragraph) – Create compelling product descriptions for Amazon listings. The output is typically paragraph form, but the style will vary.
      4. SEO – Product Page – Title and Meta Descriptions (Write SEO-optimized title tags and meta descriptions that will rank well on Google for product pages.)

      Social Media Templates:
      1. Creative Story (Write deliciously creative stories to engage your readers.)
      2. Photo post captions (Write catchy captions for your Instagram posts)
      3. Personal Bio (Write a creative personal bio that captures attention.)
      4. Pinterest Pin Title & Description (Create great Pinterest pin titles and descriptions that drive engagement, traffic, and reach.)
      5. Engaging Questions (Ask your audience creative questions to increase engagement.)
      6. Quora Answers (Intelligent answers for tough questions.)

      Google My Business Templates:
      1. Google My Business – What’s New Post (Generate What’s New post updates for Google My Business)
      2. Google My Business – Event Post (Generate event details for your Google My Business event posts)
      3. Google My Business – Product Description (Generate product descriptions for your Google My Business)
      4. Google My Business – Offer Post (Generate offer details for your Google My Business offer posts)

      Other SEO Templates:
      1. SEO – Homepage – Title and Meta Descriptions (Write SEO-optimized title tags and meta descriptions for homepages that will rank well on Google.)
      2. SEO – Services Pages – Title and Meta Descriptions (Write SEO-optimized title tags and meta descriptions that will rank well on Google for company services pages.)

      If you’ll just give it a try, play with the templates, and you’ll know what inspired me to encourage this service. Conversion.ai the most valuable tool on my list! 🙂

      Join our free Facebook group of over 16k members (and growing). You’ll learn a lot not just in copywriting, but in all other aspects of your business.


  9. I love the way that conversion.ai is able to come up with so many different ways to say the same basic thing. Sometimes we all need a bit of a boost to get the creative juices flowing. It’s obvious that this will help with the quantity of words in a post, but do you think that this also helps with quality? The examples just seem to add filler instead of topic-related verbiage, but perhaps that is just due to the example?

  10. Whoa, I’ve never heard of this program!  This seems really cool, and I love the option to be able to change “how” (AKA who) is making the extension of your sentence.  I’ve been forcing myself a lot lately to hit my personal word count goals when I write, so maybe I should give this a shot.  It sounds like it adds words but doesn’t make anything too “wordy,” if that makes sense.  More words, but not redundant, which is very important to me.  Thank you for the info – learn something new every day…

    1. Hi Max,

      What I like most is that, whatever sentences are generated, you can choose any of the outputs and expand it more.

      For example:

      Input A = Output A, Output B, and Output C. That’s 3 sentences coming from 1 sentence.

      If I grab Output B for example, then expand it, it will be:

      Output B = Output A.1. Output B.1. and so on…

      Using the given outputs, you can start with your added thoughts and repeat the process until you hit your word count goal. 🙂


  11. This is great information to have. It sounds like a great way to get through a case of writers block. Is there a big difference between the Sentence Expander and the Content Improver program besides the word count? Does Content Improver provide the same tone of voice options, for example?

     I just want to add that I loved your Dumbledore reference. 

    1. Hi Jessi,

      The tone of voice can be anything, and honestly, Jarvis gives you different outputs most of the time.

      For example, if I try to improve a sentence or expand a sentence today, it’ll give me output A.

      If I try to improve that very same sentence or expand it on a different day, it will not give me exactly the same as output A. It’ll give me output B, C, D, and so on.

      I like the Dumbledore ending, too, lol.


  12. Thanks for the tips and help. We all struggle to write at times. When I just started I remember struggle a lot and didn’t know what to do.

    I used to write essays and loved writing a lot, but when it came to blogging my brain was empty. Writing a short article can sometime be better than a longer one, but many of these won’t get you ranked.

    Its good to write longer and good ones, so that you have a chance of them ranking. 

    1. Hi Fatoumata,

      When it comes to ranking, “longer” doesn’t always mean better. I’ve come across several blog posts that kill the user experience – it felt like I already spent an hour on the page and it doesn’t end! HAHA. Honestly, when I gauge the length of my posts, I just do it naturally. After the blog post is done, that’s when I check the word count (which most of the time doesn’t go below 1,000 words).

      There are other types of content you can put in the blog post such as videos, or infographics, and not just words. It should all be geared towards a better user experience. Nobody wants to read a novel online (those who want will just grab a book!). Breaking the words every now and then with visuals and other types of engaging content will help with ranking, content-wise.


  13. Thank you for the great post. I just started a blog for myself and I already learned that sometimes it’s really difficult to create a properly long post. I had no idea about sentence expander but it seems like a great tool for all bloggers. It’s amazing how technology can support us even with such creative tasks as writing. Looking forward to testing it in practice.

  14. Hi Pitin. 

    Thank you for sharing this helpful information. I struggle time after time to write longer in my posts. Reading your article, I learned that Conversion.ai offers a lot of tools to improve my writing way and quality. Fortunately, you explain in your other article how I can use the long-form assistant or editor. I will stay longer on your site to read about it and more. 

    Thank you for your help.

    I needed this. 

    1. Hi Alketa,

      You’re welcome! Hopefully, it helps you produce more in less time so you can focus on other things, too, such as your hobbies. 🙂 

      Nothing feels better than sitting down for an hour or two and calling it a day sooner than you expected. 🙂



  15. Great article, I have heard about this piece of software before, but now I know a lot more about what it can do.  Technology is really changing with Ai.  I am a blogger and I think such a tool will save me a lot of time. I plan on giving it a go.  Your blog is fantastic because I can follow your lessons which you have made simple to follow. Thanks. 

    1. Hi Jamila,

      Thank you for your kind feedback and support. 🙂 Feel free to browse around. My free courses are nowhere near finished. In fact, I am just starting out, so I have more to teach for free. 🙂


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