
An Honest Amazon FBA Ninja Review 

Last Modified: October 5, 2020

By: pitin

Amazon FBA Ninja Course

Selling online via Amazon FBA is among the talked-about topics for earning money via the internet. If you are one of those people who take an interest in starting this venture, then the Amazon FBA Ninja course can be your starting point. Find out if this is the product you will choose as your guide to an online selling venture at Amazon.

an amazon fba ninja review 2

“Fulfilled by Amazon” is what FBA stands for. It is an opportunity for entrepreneurs to have a functional online selling business from their chosen place of work or business.

For example, you could take part in Amazon FBA from the comfort of your home. You need to invest money on products you want to sell, send them to Amazon storage facilities and Amazon will take care of the storage, processing of order, shipping of order, accepting payment (and sending money to you) and even managing returns. As the seller, you could manage your business straight from home.

While this solution appears simple, going ahead with no knowledge will only lead you to failure. Thus, anyone wanting to get into this venture will make an excellent decision if they first take courses and lessons on Amazon FBA, which is like when you want to know how to start affiliate marketing.

Just like affiliate marketing courses, these Amazon FBA tutorials are of different calibers. The goal is always to choose one that will give you the best help from beginning until the end. Let us see below if Amazon FBA Ninja can cater to your needs.


Amazon FBA Ninja is probably one of the most resounding names among educational courses for starting your Amazon selling business. If you Google, you might have doubts if the website you are at is the website for the exact product you want to buy. This is because the product goes by varying names.

On the https://officialkevindavid.com/amazon-fba-course/, it's called the Amazon FBA Course, while the image refers to it as Zon Ninja Masterclass. See image below.

is amazon fba legit

Figure 1

I disregarded this and looked for any information about its creator, Kevin David. Yet, I found another eyebrow raiser on the page about the creator. The description refers to Mr. David as the “unemployed CEO.” At first, this method of marketing might make you think you too can become a CEO despite being unemployed as long as you persevere. There is nothing wrong with this since it is possible.

Yet as I read further from the web page, I realized that perseverance alone might not be enough to succeed just like Kevin since this man has an impressive background. While I did not like the way they promoted the course’s creator through the “unemployed CEO” tagline, I still thought that perhaps he would share his knowledge and expertise through Amazon FBA Ninja.

Since I do not want to practice prejudice so I can give a fair evaluation of Amazon FBA Ninja, I proceeded on looking at what the course offers.

the amazon fba ninja with

Figure 2

You can see from the figure above that this product offers 6 modules of 40+ hours of strategies and 100+ step-by-step video tutorials. You will also get 3 exclusive bonuses, access to monthly live Q$A session with Kevin and access to all previous Q&As.

How It Works

This is a program that will provide step-by-step training on setting up an Amazon business. The 6 modules contain the educational materials that will cover topics such as product research, creating seller account, finding suppliers, doing email marketing, choosing the appropriate plan, generating traffic, optimizing product lists, and advertising on Amazon.

The three bonuses (at the time of writing) will provide

1.  templates you can use to contact suppliers and also potential customers,

2.  tour/training and discount to ZonBase, which is another product from Kevin David that helps in finding popular products and keywords and;

3.  free access to Amazon Agency Course that shares how to earn money from Amazon with no capital.

Now let us see what the 6 educational modules contain. 

Module 1 will discuss Product Research through the software that the lesson will introduce. This module will show you about utilizing Amazon’s internal data for finding best products, researching products in international markets, choosing product to go with your private label, etc.

Module 2 is about Suppliers and Shipping. You will learn next about locating the best and trustworthy suppliers from across the globe. You need to look with suppliers who can provide you constantly with quality products at the right price and at the right time. You will know how to avoid dodgy suppliers and also discover Kevin’s foolproof shipping strategy. Learn how to ship straight from China to the Amazon warehouses, how many product units to order for your initial inventory, how you can save money when looking for US manufacturers, etc.

Module 3 will touch the topic on List Optimization. For your product launch, you must know how to expand your audience reach through campaigns that use the most suitable keywords that will improve Amazon ranking. You will also discover here about creating optimized product images, maximizing conversions and other tactics.

Module 4 includes Product Launch Strategies that will help you get crucial first reviews.  You will understand here how to promote products, offer giveaways and making follow-up emails.

From Module 5, you will have the training for using Instagram, Facebook, Clickfunnels and Amazon PPC. All these will help maximize your product sales.

In Module 6, you will have lessons about Amazon Seller Central hacks. You will learn secrets for removing negative feedback, outsourcing Amazon customer service, getting featured in popular gift guide blogs and other tips to maintain high Amazon ranking.

Gone are the days when one can easily and quickly make money selling on Amazon. Given the millions of sellers nowadays, you need more than just the methods and strategies to start the business. Good thing the course includes what you can do to protect your brand against other sellers that unethically copy others’ products, however, I find some things worth nothing:

loopholes in the system

I think the course is too hyped up that it can easily make anyone believe that the course will only lead them towards success without encountering too many challenges. While there is nothing wrong with being optimistic, I think an educational course for beginners should not just offer steps to follow and motivation to succeed.

Any course for this matter should also give room for contingency or even a plan on how to deal with possible hurdles. The course could have included something that will prepare you mentally and emotionally for possible disappointments while building your business.

For example, while the course teaches about finding the best and popular products as well as those to avoid, I believe the description of the modules said nothing on what to do if you face a highly competitive niche or what to do once the niche you chose becomes saturated with a lot of sellers.

Another loophole is the reports of others they had difficulty getting their full money-back guarantee. It is always best to review and re-review the terms to make sure they are acceptable to you.

Also, I find it confusing that on the webpage of Kevin David’s Amazon FBA Ninja Course, it says there are 6 modules of training and lessons. Yet, most reviews out there claim that there are 8 modules in all.

They say that the course goes through timely updating, so I think the contents of the 8 modules are just re-arranged and compacted into only 6 modules.

I did not feel confident about this assumption so I signed up for the free training since there are no other details I could use on the sales page.

Upon signing up, I received my first email from Amazon FBA Ninja thanking me for enrolling and giving me some reminders about the training. After a while, I received the second email containing the bonuses I could get once I purchase the Masterclass.

When I clicked the link in the email, it brought me to the order page of Masterclass. The information there stated that it contains 8 modules instead of the 6 modules that the sales page enumerated. I do not find this amusing. Perhaps some people would think this is great since they will get more than what they expected. I will personally just choose a product with consistency starting from its marketing and promotions. The only consolation I find is that you will get free access to any future updates or any additions to the course.


There is a Facebook community, the private Facebook Black Belt Ninja group where you could contact Kevin and his team for your concerns.

Who Is It For

This is a course for both beginners and experienced sellers not only from America but also from other countries.

How To Apply/Join

The official page for the Kevin David is at https://officialkevindavid.com and you could browse here all the products he offers aside from Amazon FBA Course. The webpage of Amazon FBA Ninja is https://officialkevindavid.com/amazon-fba-course/.

You will find here the  “Yes I’m Ready To Scale My Amazon Business” blue button that will open a window requiring your email address.

You must select the date and time for your training and enter your name, email and phone number. Once done, you will see a page congratulating you for signing up to the Amazon FBA Masterclass Training.

I think it is after this free training when you will get the offer to purchase the paid program.

The Amazon FBA Zon Ninja Masterclass from Kevin David is worth $1,997 on one-time payment. You may also pay in 5 instalments of $599 via PayPal Credit. Unlike other course with 30-days money-back guarantee, this only has 14-days money-back guarantee.

Potential Income

One Amazon training product we reviewed recently, the Amazing Selling Machine, has an income calculator you can use, although I would not readily believe that its computation is accurate since other factors play a crucial role in your business profits. Still, it offers an idea about how much you could earn.

In other sources, they say that most Amazon sellers make a minimum of $1,000 while the elite sellers can make $250,000 gross a month and more.

Work Schedule

From the order page of Amazon FBA Ninja, you will read a statement below that you should only sign up if you are serious in pursuing the venture since you need to dedicate a lot of time to learn its ins and outs and more time in applying what you have learned.

Benefits / Bonus

A product like Wealthy Affiliate, which has an affiliate program, offers extra ways of making money. While you could find a web page for the Amazon FBA Ninja affiliate program click funnel page, there are no details about what incentives you could get for your participation.



  • Amazon FBA Ninja offers details and steps to start the online selling business.
  • It offers lifetime access.


  • The Amazon FBA Ninja (although cheaper than other FBA courses like Amazing Selling Machine), is considerably expensive.

Although I found some questionable factors about the Amazon FBA Ninja, I think it is still a helpful program to avail of if you think you have the money to spend on a course. After all, it already includes bonuses like templates and tools to use.

However, if I am to give you a more practical opinion, I believe that there are other ways to learn about Amazon FBA out there. For example, you could join Wealthy Affiliate where you will have everything you need to know about affiliate marketing. Fortunately, you will also find on WA, blog entries by some members sharing their knowledge about Amazon FBA.

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