
The Attraction Marketing Formula Or The Wealthy Affiliate? 

Last Modified: October 5, 2020

By: pitin

The Attraction Marketing Formula Or

Attraction Marketing Formula Vs Wealthy Affiliate

This article will compare the all-inclusive platform on affiliate marketing (Wealthy Affiliate) and another system (Attraction Marketing Formula) that will help you achieve success not only in affiliate marketing, but virtually all business ventures such as networking and direct sales.








Ferny Ceballos

Carson Lim


Kyle Loudon






  • Ferny Ceballos is the creator of Attraction Marketing Formula. You can read more of his personal details, on the about page of Elite Marketing Pro (parent company of AMF), along with those of his co-founders, Tim Erway and Matt Crystal. While this website contains information on the founder’s achievements, there are no links to their social media accounts or any channel through which you could contact them.
  • The Wealthy Affiliate is from Carson Lim and Kyle Loudon. Kyle will guide new members through the training and also in building their businesses online. While Carson sometimes also takes part in mentoring members, he works more with the team handling the technical aspects of the platform. You can see links to their individual Instagram accounts on the website of WA.

Based on what each product teaches, you can see that one is suitable for beginners while the other is an appropriate tool for continuing what you started.






With In-depth

















Attraction Marketing Formula:

Attraction Marketing Formula focuses on lead generation. It shares how to generate leads via an automated system implementing the concept discovered by the author based on attraction marketing. Whether you are into multi level marketing, internet marketing ,affiliate marketing, direct sales, etc., this e-book will teach you valuable information on how to attract people and make them buy your products or join your company.

As a network marketer himself, Ferny knows that this business requires constant work and his frustration led him to discover the concept which he shares in this e-book. He teaches about a system that can automatically get leads and prospects, although you do not make calls. Thus, you reduce your chances of dismissal, which can make you feel demotivated.

Speaking of motivation, this e-book will show how you can get motivated to find people who have an interest in what you offer. You can recruit them and make sales even though you do not talk to them (until you need to do so when they apply or sign up).

The e-book not only focuses on teaching you how to promote your own company. Instead, it teaches other avenues for making money even from those who have no interest to join your company. It teaches about presenting courses, training and other materials to network marketers, which they will probably buy to help them in their own business.

Being an attraction marketing tutorial product, AMF will show how to brand yourself. You realize that it is not the company that matters most. An MLM company or business may fail or change anytime, but you will remain as you are so you need to make yourself constantly valuable and attractive to any prospect or leads.

Learn to build a list of people who will trust you and consider you an authority they could take after. Thus, if your current company shows signs of failure, these people would still follow you.

You will discover how to make the most out of online marketing in attracting prospects. This will allow you to look elsewhere instead of seeking your relatives’ help in propping up your business.

You will also gain knowledge about domain names and gaining a piece of cyber real estate. Discover making your blog, Facebook page or YouTube channel where your followers could convene and await your updates.

This e-book also contains a lot of useful tips, according to many reviews.

Wealthy Affiliate:

Wealthy Affiliate is all about building your affiliate business from the ground up. Even if you pay nothing when you sign up as a Starter member, you will already get tons of information about how to begin your affiliate journey. Upgrading to Premium membership will let you enjoy more features and resources from WA.

The Online Entrepreneur Certification has a 5 levels containing 50 lessons. Starter members can only access 10 of the 50 lessons.

1.  Getting Started - Here, you will learn how to make a complete profile, navigate the WA community, identify niches, build websites and make website SEO-friendly.

2.  Build Traffic-Producing Website - Learn how to increase site traffic through SEO, choose the right keywords and publish contents containing these keywords.

3.  Make Money - This level focuses on teaching you ways to monetize your site’s traffic, to make the most out of affiliate marketing and affiliate links.

4.  Master Social Engagement - Discover about how to control different social media platforms for driving more traffic to your website.

5.  Achieve Maximum Success Via Content Creation - You will master the techniques on how to make contents that are appealing.

Perhaps there is no better affiliate product you can start promoting than the Wealthy Affiliate itself and you will know how to do this from Affiliate Bootcamp. There are 7 levels with 10 lessons each in the Affiliate Bootcamp. Out of 70 lessons, Starter members will only be able to complete 10 lessons.

1.  Discover the techniques for designing a website and assemble your online business.

2.  This level will show you the right way of choosing and using the correct keywords for promoting Wealthy Affiliate.

3.  You will discover how social media can help you increase your website’s traffic and conversions.

4.  The lessons here will show you how to make your website visually attractive.

5.  The focus of this level is making you knowledgeable about making captivating contents and sourcing web traffic from YouTube.

6.  This is where you will know more about running Bing PPC campaigns, using Bing Webmaster Tools and indexing web pages on Yahoo and Bing.

7.  The last lessons will show how you can get maximum outcome from PPC ads.

Premium members will definitely get the most out of their money. Regarding education alone, premium membership lets you access every potential avenue for learning and maneuvering through the curves of affiliate marketing. You will have weekly live interactive classes and replays to these classes, and access to thousands of training modules.

Premium members also have access to all 12 classrooms (starter members only have access to 2) discussing a diverse set of topics including e-commerce, adsense, drop shipping, Facebook ads, local marketing, email marketing, SEO, lead generation and PPC. 

Support and Keyword Research tool










Type Of Offered





Live Chat,









Yes, Jaaxy

Support is another critical aspect when testing the worth of any product.  Both products featured in this post provide support, but one takes a leap further.

Attraction Marketing Formula:

One of the 3 bonuses in AMF is Ignition coaching program. They will assign you with a proficient business coach, who will help you put into motion all that you have learned from the e-book.  You will get in touch with your coach via 1-on-1 calls. Plus, you also get access to bonus training from Tim Erway to discover more online marketing tactics.

Aside from mentoring, AMF gives you another bonus of having lifetime access to the member-exclusive community. This is a 24/7 channel for connecting with fellow members, and asking questions and tips from more experienced members.

Wealthy Affiliate:

Wealthy Affiliate offers mentoring and community access to support, but on an elevated level. Here, you will receive mentoring from the founders themselves along with your fellow members ready to help.

You can ask not just questions about the lessons, but also ask for help for your website’s technical issues (for Premium members only). Troubles sometimes happen, such as installing inappropriate plugins, and the technical team will quickly respond to help the website run efficiently again.

Free members can use the live chat and ask questions from fellow members, but only for a limited time of 7 days. Premium members may additionally send private messages to any member and even to the creator.

I think WA fosters socialization as it encourages everyone to give back to the WA community. After 3 months of premium membership, you may create your video tutorials and text lessons either for free or for a certain price. As a premium member, you also get your own authority blog where you can share your journey and share insights that could help others.

Keyword Research

Chapter 6 of the Attraction Marketing e-book discusses about niche market research, but not keyword research per se. Besides, some reviews noted that this is one aspect where the e-book could improve on. The information shared about the e-book that niche research is good, says it has a lot of room for improvement.

Wealthy Affiliate not only teaches about keyword research, but even provides a tool you can use. You will also learn how to choose the niche that you can work on and spot the best keyword to help you flourish in this niche. Keyword research and selection is very important when creating your website’s contents.

WA’s keyword research tool, Jaaxy, offers more than researching your most profitable keywords. You can also use its features to stay updated on the latest trends in the market and to spy on your competition.

If you are a free WA member, you can perform 30 keyword searches and 30 scans to track your website ranking using Jaaxy. If you are a Premium member, you can use the features for Jaaxy Lite plan. You can do an unlimited number of keyword searches, do 100 scans for website ranking using SiteRank, discover new niches, brainstorm new ideas, analyze top ranking sites and reveal valuable domains.

Website Creation and hosting






Has Website





Website Hosting




Attraction Marketing Formula:

The Attraction Marketing Formula e-book does not include step-by-step guide on creating a website and offers no web hosting solution. It could teach you, however, about creating a squeeze page where you can collect names and email addresses of potential leads. You will also know how to drive traffic to your squeeze page.

One of its chapters also touches the topic on cyber real estate, where you might learn about setting up a blog, a YouTube channel, or a Facebook page through which you can continuously engage your followers.

Wealthy Affiliate:

With Wealthy Affiliate, you have a great website creation tool to use, SiteRubix. This WordPress-integrated tool allows you to create websites that can captivate the audience through its awesome design, even if you know nothing about programming codes.

A free member can make one website, while a Premium member can create up to 10 websites using SiteRubix web creation and web hosting solution. A free member can choose from 12 website designs, while a Premium member has access to 3000 website designs and even make use of over 51,000 website add ons.

With WA, both free and paid members can use an ultimate writing platform and templates for content structures. A free member may check the grammar and spelling of his contents. A premium member may also use this feature along with 1,000,000 graphics to choose from and a plagiarism checker to ensure original contents.


As mentioned, AMF has no hosting education and tool to offer.

From Wealthy Affiliate, both Starter members and Premium members can access SiteDomains.

Premium members also have

  • SiteSpeed feature to use in increasing their websites’ speed;
  • SiteProtect feature for better website security and spam protection;
  • SiteHealth feature for assessing website’s health and performance;
  • SiteComments to encourage more visitor engagement;
  • SiteFeedback to have a focus group that will allow better understanding of customers’ behaviors;
  • SiteSSL for guaranteed website encryption.

There are also free redundant backups for websites at WA, which other hosting companies offer as upsells. Virus and malware protection is available to free and paid members, but paid Premium members also enjoy 24/7 managed monitoring to monitor website performance, 24/7 automated monitoring for finding possible critical issues, 24/7/365 site support and hosting from powerful servers.

How To Apply/Join

Attraction Marketing Formula:

To purchase the 185-pages e-book, Attraction Marketing Formula by Ferny Ceballos, visit https://elitemarketingpro.com/go/amf-letter/.  You will read here that the actual value of the e-book is $97, but you can (at the time of writing) get it for only $47. It comes with 3 bonuses and has a 30-days money-back guarantee.

On the order page, you can see an upsell for the “Attract, Influence & Enroll" Workshop, for $37. It is a 3-part video training where you could learn more business building strategies to attract an audience, grow influence, and get new customers and more members. Individuals who previously bought the e-book also mentioned a bootcamp one can enroll in after the e-book purchase.

Wealthy Affiliate:

You could join Wealthy Affiliate without paying a dime if you are not located in specific countries (more of this below). Just enter your name and email address. Choose a username and set your password. You could then start your journey with free lessons, materials and support from WA, although just limited. Afterward, you could take advantage of the first month promo where you will pay only $19 (regular monthly fee is $49). In the second month and succeeding months, you may pay annually to save up to 50%.

Potential Income

Attraction Marketing Formula:

There are many factors that can contribute to one’s potential income, such as the business venture you are pursuing where you will apply what you learned about lead generation from Attraction Marketing Formula. Yet, it is inspiring to learn the techniques from the creator who earns an 8-figure income. The e-book is commendable for sharing ways on how one can make money other than promoting one’s networking company.

Wealthy Affiliate:

Your potential income as Wealthy Affiliate member and user is likewise hard to predict. Even WA seasoned affiliate marketers share that they started earning a decent amount of money comparable to that of a regular job only after 6-12 months of continuous efforts. I made my first $5 from Amazon after 3 months since I started my very first blog. Good amount of cash only started flowing after 6 months of consistent content publishing (3 posts a week).

WA still lets you earn extra money by publishing your paid lessons and tutorials after being a Premium member for 3 months. Your earnings from these lessons could cover your monthly membership.

Work Schedule

The time one needs to invest in either affiliate marketing or lead generation is far from being short. There is no such thing as “instant” with these ventures. You need to dedicate a substantial amount of time learning how things work and not just look for ways to make the process automated. Even though you can find an automated solution, you still need to learn how that system works or face possible consequences later on.

Benefits / Bonus/ Increase/ Training Provided

Both products have affiliate programs. Attraction Marketing Formula includes a bonus where you can be part of its Elite Marketing Pro Affiliate program. Its affiliate agreement says the base rate is 20%.

The Affiliate Program of Wealthy Affiliate offers a better reward system. The commission is 50% per sign up. With WA, you could earn recurring commissions. As long as your referral pays his membership, you get 50% from each of his payment.



  • Attraction Marketing Formula is an e-book that will impart a lot of useful information encompassing reaching more leads, building huge email list, establishing trust with people, maintaining a good relationship with the audience and building your brand. There are many people who have bought and applied what they learned from the e-book, and they gave positive reviews because they saw that the strategies work.
  • Wealthy Affiliate is a commendable product for beginners because it provides the education, tools and resources for anyone who wants to put up an affiliate business.


  • Some reviews stated it could further improve certain topics like niche research and social media.
  • There are people claiming it is not an ideal place for seasoned affiliate marketers because of its lack of valuable facilities on advanced affiliate marketing.

Any business could benefit from successful lead generation. Thus, I believe that there is none between these two products that I will leave behind. If I were to start an affiliate marketing venture, I will join Wealthy Affiliate so I could build the business from the ground. Once everything is in place, I "can" purchase the Attraction Marketing Formula to know about more ways to promote my business to lots of leads (besides one classroom at WA where lead generation is among the topics discussed) .

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