
Build A Website With Greengeeks Web Hosting 

Last Modified: November 16, 2020

By: pitin

Here's your guide on how to build a website with Greengeeks web hosting. If it fits your goal to support green advocacies, what better way to go than to avail service from a company with a name that suggests green hosting? 

Green hosting is a trend that aims to reduce the negative impact of traditional web hosting to the environment. Web hosts consume a tremendous amount of energy so their servers and data centers can provide 24/7/365 services to their hosted websites.

Additional energy consumption of these companies come from enhanced security measures and cooling controls. Green web hosting solution is one that gets its power from renewable energy sources and other related means.

Greengeeks appear at the top of search engine results when you search online for best green hosting. It says on its website that it matches the amount of energy consumption from the grid by three times through renewable energy credits. You know you are making a difference when you have your websites hosted by Greengeeks.

Of course, when it comes to web hosting, still make it among the top priority to choose the hosting services that will give your website secure and optimized performance. According to reviews, Greengeeks top attributes are 1-click WordPress installation, automated WordPress updates, enhanced security, automated nightly backups, and optimized web servers for quickly and efficiently loading websites.

Full Affiliate Disclosure:

Fulltime Blogging is a participant in the Greengeeks affiliate program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to greengeeks.com. As a Greengeeks Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.

Greengeeks Web Hosting


  • Greengeeks is an environmental-friendly company.
  • It invests on the latest technology to guarantee lightning fast loading speeds of web pages.
  • It offers free domain registration.
  • It makes free nightly backups of websites. You can get one free restoration per month.
  • It has a cPanel (control panel) for those who like and know how to tinker with their scripts and codes.
  • It offers free site migration, and even its experts will handle the transfer process.
  • It is easy to switch to its platform from another web host.
  • Its facilities have great security measures like 24/7 monitoring that sets up firewall systems to stop hacking attempts.
  • It offers reliable customer support on various channels like live chat, phone and email.


  • Although it promises 99.9% uptime guarantee, which it can meet, its TOS still mentions nothing about the possibility of receiving a refund if it cannot meet this promise. There are also terms that apply to the 99.9% uptime. Other web hosts offer a refund, which can give you a feeling of ease.
  • It offers a 30-day money-back-guarantee, but you will not get a full refund since this excludes the cost for domain registration. 
  • It has no data center in Asia.
  • The increase in regular rate from the introductory price is steep. Just like any other web hosting services, look for the "real prices"  and add-ons' prices once the promo ends.

How To Make A Website With Greengeeks Web Hosting

Decide On A Website Building Platform.

Through WordPress, you skip the need to learn to program codes that website designers spent time to master just to build and design websites.

Your choice of platform will depend on the particular website you want to launch, such as a personal website, a business website, a blog, an entertainment website or an online store. WordPress is significantly more popular than Joomla, Drupal, Magento and others because of its ease of use and many plugins.

Choose A Web Host Plan And A Domain Name

Your next step is to choose from among its offered plans. On its homepage, you'll see the multiple hosting options it offers.

There is WordPress Hosting that offers security, speed and expert support for WordPress websites thus, making it an excellent pair with your decision to create a website on WordPress.

The Reseller Hosting lets you manage several hosting accounts on Greengeeks. The VPS Hosting offers a fast SSD-based hosting solution.

Of these three, WordPress Hosting is the solution you most likely need as a newbie blogger.

Greengeeks WordPress Hosting Plans and Pricing

When you click WordPress Hosting, you'll see that there are three plans to choose from.

a)  Lite plan is the suitable for those who only want to launch a personal website and it gives you the tools to get started.

b)  Pro plan offers more speed and is great if you plan to make over one website.

c)   Premium plan suits business websites and online stores.



Normally $9.95


  • 1 Website
  • Unlimited Web Space
  • Unlimited Data Transfer
  • Free SSL Certificate
  • Free Domain Name for 1st Year
  • Free Nightly Backup
  • Free CDN
  • Unlimited E-mail Accounts
  • WordPress Installer/Updates
  • Unlimited Databases
  • Standard Performance
  • LSCache Included
  • 300% Green Energy Match
  • 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee


Normally $14.95



  • Unlimited Websites
  • Unlimited Web Space
  • Unlimited Data Transfer
  • Free SSL Certificate
  • Free Domain Name for 1st Year
  • Free Nightly Backup
  • Free CDN
  • Unlimited E-mail Accounts
  • WordPress Installer/Updates
  • Unlimited Databases
  • 2x Performance
  • LSCache Included
  • 300% Green Energy Match
  • 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee


Normally $24.95



  • Unlimited Websites
  • Unlimited Web Space
  • Unlimited Data Transfer
  • Free Premium SSL
  • Free Domain Name for 1st Year
  • Free Nightly Backup
  • Free CDN
  • Unlimited E-mail Accounts
  • WordPress Installer/Updates
  • Unlimited Databases
  • 4x Performance
  • LSCache Included
  • Free Dedicated IP
  • 300% Green Energy Match
  • 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee

All plans come with a free domain for the first year. A domain name is the unique address pointing to your website. This is the name you will give to people who you want to visit your website, just like giving your address to friends who want to visit your home.

Clicking on the “Get Started” button of the plan you chose, you will see a new window where you will enter the domain of your choice. Your options are to register a new domain or to enter a domain that you previously registered. The system will tell you the availability of your chosen name.

The web page succeeding the domain registration is where you will enter your personal details, select plan term and extras and provide your payment information. You may also choose the server location among United States, Europe and Canada. Choose the location closest to where most of your website traffic will come from. The system will automatically enter a coupon code for you. You could also opt for a domain WHOIS privacy (setting the website registration details public or private).

Once logged, find the cPanel login and log in to manage your website. 

Install WordPress thru Softaculous

Note: You need to manually install WordPress. In Greengeeks, you have a Software section where you can find software options to help in installing WordPress. There is Softaculous, which is a free CMS app installer. You may navigate to the Software menu or use the search bar to type “Softaculous.” From here, just look for the WordPress icon click on “Install.” This Softaculous is useful in installing not only WordPress but also other apps or software you want to use for your website. You need to provide your WordPress login details to finish installation.

Start Customizing Your Website.

When you see a congratulatory message, you know that installation is successful and you may start customizing your website. To access the back end of your WordPress site, just visit www.yourdomain.com/wp-admin or follow the link in the email message you received after installing WordPress.

Logging in will take you to the WordPress dashboard. You'll now have an access to WordPress to follow my lessons on how to make contents that will reach the audience you want to target as well as learn how to monetize all your work.

Greengeeks offers plans at special introductory prices. However, just like with other web hosting providers, remember that such cheap pricing is for marketing purposes and you must not take it on face value.

These are the cheapest rates GreenGeeks can offer, but for a particular term or plan length only. GreenGeeks explains that first-time customers will get the introductory special price for the hosting cycle they chose.

The checkout page is where you can choose the term length or cycle - monthly, annually, biennially or 2-years plan, and triennially or 3-years plan.

Remember that you will pay for all the months included in your selected cycle. Choose a 3-years cycle and pay for 36 months. Select 2-years and pay for 24 months. Take yearly and pay for 12 months. You will start paying the regular rate for your plan once your initial cycle is over.





Regular Monthly




12 Months




24 Months




36 Months




Prices shown above are up to date as of November 5, 2020.  The table above shows the regular pricing for the Shared hosting plans at Greengeeks.

Greengeeks Hosting products and services are of different types.

1.   Web Hosting is a fast and secure eco-friendly hosting service to help you start your online project.

2.   WordPress Hosting (in the discussion above) provides expert support, secured and speedy hosting for WordPress-based sites.

3.   VPS Hosting is a reliable, fast and scalable hosting on virtual private servers.

4.   Reseller Hosting will allow you to resell Greengeeks products.

In Closing

I think Greengeeks offers great web hosting solutions that can significantly help promote green living advocacy. 

Let's see how Greengeeks is compared to Cloudways (for people who do not have access to Wealthy Affiliate).



cloudways logo
Greengeeks logo

Lowest Monthly Price: $10/month

Lowest Monthly Price: $39.95/mo.

Name of plan/server: Digital Ocean

Name of plan/server: Fast & Affordable Managed VPS

Server Size: 1GB

Server Size: 2GB

Processor: 1 Core

Processor: 4 vCPU

SSD (Storage) Disk: 25 GB

SSD (Storage) Disk: 50 GB

Bandwidth: 1TB

Bandwidth: 10 TB

IP Address: 1

IP Address: No upfront disclosure

Upfront option to choose a server's location: Yes

Upfront option to choose a server's location: Yes

Pay As You Go Option: Yes

Pay As You Go Option: No

Scale Up Anytime: Yes

Scale Up Anytime: Yes

Why chose Cloudways: The Pay As You Go Option is good since as you experience the platform, you can change your mind about the add-ons you purchase. When I created another server for tutorial purposes, it appeared in my billing realtime. But when I removed it the next day, it was removed from my billing, too.

If Digital Ocean server ended up not suitable for you anymore, you can change servers without leaving the Cloudways platform.

Billing is one calendar month after consumption. As you need more features, the option to scale up is there. It's an affordable choice for something that you do not need to share anyone with.

The Greengeek's lowest priced VPS is a good VPS plan starting point. However, for someone who is just starting out, it's too much.

As a newbie, I highly encourage you to get a “Managed” plan. Site Support is important as you can get stuck with technicals, and it can hinder your content creation process.

Managing your own server is ideal if you know the technicals already or are patient enough to get past any technical learning curve. With this, hosting in Wealthy Affiliate is a good starting point.

Here’s a comparable table with Greengeeks.


Wealthy Affiliate

Greengeeks logo
Wealthy Affiliate WA logo

Lowest Monthly Price: $2.95/month (3 years commitment)

Regular Price: $9.95/month (no commitment)

Lowest All-In Monthly Price: 49/month no commitment

Name of plan/server: WordPress Hosting Lite

Name of plan/server: Wealthy Affiliate Premium/Amazon Web Services (AWS)

SSD (Storage) Disk: "Unlimited" - look for the disclaimer

SSD (Storage) Disk: 30 GB

Bandwidth: "Unmetered" - look for the disclaimer

250,000 Monthly Visits

Premium Site Support:

Not specified

Premium Site Support:

Included but not priority

Site Speed/Caching:

Standard Performance/LS Cache Plugin included

Site Speed/Caching:


Site Protect/Website Security:

"Website will be monitored for malware and other possible threats and vulnerabilities. If detected, you will be notified immediately."

Site Protect/Website Security:

Built-in/Included (up to 10 websites)

Professional Emails: Unlimited

Professional Emails: Unlimited

Number of Websites Allowed: 1

Number of Websites Allowed: 10

($100/mo. value)

Dual Server Hosting Redundancy: Not specified

Dual Server Hosting Redundancy: Yes

Instant DNS: Not specified

Instant DNS: Yes

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