
What Userbrain Is About And How Can You Make Money From It? 

Last Modified: August 28, 2021

By: pitin

There are many kinds of small gigs or microtasks you can do online to earn some extra cash and among them is web usability testing. You could join platforms like Userbrain if you like to take part in such opportunities.

However, before you give out any of your personal details when you sign up, make sure you have read and understood what Userbrain is about so you will know beforehand if your efforts will not go to waste if you pursue it.

What Userbrain Is About

What Userbrain Is About

If they accept you as a tester at Userbrain, your job will involve testing out other people’s or company’s websites.

As you navigate through the website, you need to speak continuously about what you are doing and encountering. You need to speak about your insights and suggestions.

The owner or developer of the website you have tested will receive your recorded audio and activities during the paid test session.

As a remote user tester, describe how you feel as you browse through the website, and as you check out the products and services from that site.

The Userbrain client will enter the URL of his website and then choose a scenario he likes the testers to perform. Scenarios may refer to a particular situation you need to enact as you test the website.

For example, the website you need to test is an e-commerce platform. The scenario could be that you are looking for a certain dress and you need to find any potential issue during the ordering process.

You need to spot any bugs or areas that other users could find confusing.


Just like other website testing platforms, such as User Testing, there is an app you should download, and install in your computer because this will record and create the video that clients need.

If you will use a desktop or laptop computer, you must download the Userbrain Chrome extension so this means you should also use Google Chrome browser.

There is also the Userbrain iOs app for Apple smartphones.

The personal requirements include a minimum age of 18 years old, a PayPal account to receive payments and the ability to speak English or German (native speaker).

You should also have a reliable internet connection and a working external microphone.

Completing Test Assignments

You need to talk incessantly about what you are doing as you go through the set of tasks from the client. Tasks usually take 5-15 minutes to complete. However, you should not just speak whatever comes to mind.

Talk about what you expect to see before you even click on a link. Mention about how easy or how difficult it is to find information on the website.

Make comments on areas you think are confusing. Stick to the instructions and scenario in the test assignment.

There are websites where you need to sign up or register.  Some Userbrain customers want to hear about how their sign-up process works for actual users. For such tasks, you may use fake information.

Tester Code Of Conduct At Userbrain

You must follow a certain set of rules as a Userbrain tester to ensure your job and your payment.

1.      Provide updated and accurate information in your profile.

2.      Do not communicate directly with the customer.

3.      Do not disclose to anyone any information about the website you have tested.

4.      You may create only one account.

5.      Do not share your login information to anyone.

How To Apply

Visit the website https://tester.userbrain.net/ to sign up. There is no information about the cost or fee for joining.

Registration is easy because you will only give your email address and then set your password. At the time of writing, it says that the platform is not looking for testers.

I tried emailing its customer support (tester@userbrain.net). I can give it an "A rating" for replying to my inquiries regarding the possibility of Userbrain once again accepting applications for new testers.

I have received three emails so far, but none has answered my inquiries. I stopped receiving messages after I sent a screenshot of the webpage showing that it is not looking for testers.

I also find it strange that on my first message, the reply I received was to sign up at the URL written above. I told Stefan, the person who replied to my email that this web page says that Userbrain is not looking for new testers.

He said that this is strange and asked if I have previously registered and if I can provide him my registered email.

I suppose he was evading my question about the new testers’ application, but it was still good that the support team is still active at this moment to assist current members.

Still, it will be helpful to read until the end of this post because Userbrain might accept new testers again. When that happens, the information from this article will serve you well.

Update: Eight days after I sent the screenshot to Stefan, I received his fourth message explaining the situation.

According to him, the Userbrain website has detected my location and displayed the "We're not searching for testers at the moment" because it does not need testers from my location at the moment (Philippines).

This means it is still accepting application from testers in other places, although it is not clear where these places are.

Again, I think Userbrain has an exceptional customer support because it did not disregard my inquiries.

Its last response might be too late before I have published this post, but considering that it still sent a useful email means that it cares.

Qualification Test

Right after signing up, downloading and installing the Userbrain app, you need to complete a qualification test. Before the test, you have the chance to get to know how things work at Userbrain.

The qualification test is like a sample video you will create. This video will let the reviewer see that you understand how the screen recorder app works.

The Userbrain team will review your video and send you feedback within a week. If it approves your qualification video, you will take on paid tests.

You will not receive any payment for the qualification test. You may, however, retake the test, before you finally submit it to Userbrain.

Potential Income

The rate for 5-15 minutes assignment at Userbrain will let you earn only $3. This is way too low compared to the rate that other platforms.

You should not expect to receive a lot of test assignments because several factors affect this.

The number of test opportunities vary according to

  • the rating that the customer gave the tester
  • the device you are using to test websites
  • the language you speak when you test the website and
  • the demand for new tests by the customers. 

Regarding the device you will use to complete assignments, they say that there are more tests for desktop users than for mobile device users.

Userbrain is also not like other website testing platforms such as TryMyUI and Validately that automatically sends payments once the video gets approval from the client.

At Userbrain, you must request for your payout. Upon doing so, expect to get the money in your PayPal account within 2-5 working days.

No Payment/Rejection Of Your Work

There are instances when you will not receive any incentive for your work because the client declined your submission. The top reason is that your audio/video recording is not working or has a poor quality. 

Other reasons that could cause rejection of your work include your failure to follow instructions, your test being less than 5 minutes and failure to think out loud.

One likely scenario that could happen (for an existing, working or already published website) is that you have already browsed through this website by chance, or if you have previously tested it on other website testing platforms.

If this happens and the assignment you received from Userbrain involves this website, try your best not to appear that you have already tested the site.

Keep in mind that customers prefer testers to be first-time visitors or users of their website. Thus, you must not appear as if you are already familiar with the website you are testing. Otherwise, the client will reject your work.

Work Schedule

From the possible problems above, you have a reason not to consider this Userbrain gig as a part-time, or a full-time job (if it will ever hire testers again).

Even though there is no limit to the number of tests you can complete, remember that it is highly possible there is not even a single test in a day, a week, a month or even months.

You have a lot of spare time with this flexible working schedule wherein you only need to dedicate a few minutes when there are test assignments available.

Looking For A Legit Work-From-Home Job?



  • Any native speaker of English or German could join Userbrain.
  • Userbrain has worked for other well-known brands.
  • Userbrain has a commendable customer service.


  • You may only use Google Chrome and iOs devices.
  • It only accepts testers from certain locations.
  • You need to request for a payout instead of automatically sending the payment.
  • The offered payment is lower than other similar platforms.
  • There are no email notifications or alerts about tests.

If you have tried listing down platforms to join where you could earn money from website testing, you may include Userbrain at the bottom of this list.

The obvious reason is that it is not accepting testers right now. Even when it accepts new testers again, you might have second thoughts about it because the pay is lower.

If you can register to Userbrain, go ahead. After all, some reviewers noted that the platform offers more tests than other websites with more incentives.

Still, you must only allot just the right time on website testing so you can use more time on other higher-paying jobs online, like blogging.

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