
What Is A Data Researcher? Is It A Good Side Job? 

Last Modified: July 2, 2021

By: pitin

It takes more than the ability to find information online to qualify for data research jobs. Find out if it is worth your time.

What Is A Data Researcher

What Is A Data Researcher?

There are many titles or names for this job, such as “internet researcher,” “web researcher,” “data analyst,” and the most basic term is “professional or expert net surfers.”

It is easy to surf the net, but it takes more than leisure surfing to research about something online for a living. There are many purposes a company will require the services of a data researcher.

A company might hire a web researcher to learn what the netizens think about its products and services. Another client might want to know about the latest technology related to its business.

Data Research Jobs

You could apply for jobs that offer telecommuting options so you could work from home or from anywhere in the world where there is a decent internet connection you can use.

You may take on a full-time, part-time or freelance job.

The work of an online data researcher could also be beyond the internet. Some job offers are for someone with people skills because tasks involved need the researcher to interact with people in the real world.

This career seems simple and easy, considering that you only need to search through the web to find information that a client needs.

However, this is more than just net surfing and more than book reading. These are just some aspects to the job.

Although a web search is virtual, some assignments and research methods will require that you work with people and help people find solutions to problems.

This field of data research jobs is actually a service-oriented field. You serve a client by helping him solve a certain problem.

You should be aware, however, that most jobs are not for long-term employment. Keep in mind that your main task is to find the solution to a current problem.

Once you have helped determine the solution, your job will end and you might need to look for another job. This is especially true for freelance researchers.

It is still possible to find jobs as a data researcher where the company always requires the research services. A marketing firm or a market research company could be an example.


There is no definite training for a data researcher. Some companies may require the applicant to have a general degree in science or arts. Others have no specific educational requirements.

Sometimes, the education or college course required from an applicant are based on the field or industry of a company.

It is likely that a company will want someone educated and trained about things that are related to the company’s business, so he will know what to look for among information gathered online.

You could come across job ads where the educational requirements are courses like Master’s Degree in Library Science, Degree in Commerce, Information Science, English Biology, Chemistry, Dentistry, etc.


When preparing your resume or cover letter, you need to include attributes that will make an employer think you are capable for the data research job.

The qualities of a capable researcher include

  • data collection
  • report writing
  • information (from various sources) analysis
  • strategic internet research
  • critical analysis and thinking
  • planning
  • time management and
  • interviewing.

The exact skills for a particular job can vary, but the basics are fluency in English and the ability to follow simple instructions.

Industries Requiring Effective Research Skills

They require research in almost all industries and businesses since well-researched information is necessary in coming up with business strategies and plans.

You could find research-related jobs in industries such as Marketing, Academe, Science, Consumer Goods and Foods.

Even web content writers need to perform research to gather facts for his articles. In fact, you will find job posts for web content writers where the job title also includes “researcher.”

Keep in mind that effective research is necessary in writing. Any business hiring a data researcher expect that the person hired will come up with quality results.

Therefore, a researcher should have effective skills to make this happen.

When researching online, you could easily get overwhelmed with the amount of information available. Practice your online research skills by looking for related details that will guide you regarding this job.

You will definitely come across various resources about the job, such as the video above.

Research Techniques and Methods

A web data researcher could use many online research techniques and methods to come up with desirable results.

The main goal of research is to collect data using these techniques. They also use these techniques in traditional, real-world research.

1.  Online Interview – Similar to face-to-face interviews, they accomplish online interviews through computer-mediated communication channels like email and chat.

Online interviews could be synchronous or asynchronous (depending on the response time). Synchronous interviews online are those executed on mediums like online chat where responses are on real time.

Asynchronous interviews online are those carried out on channels like email where it is possible to delay sending responses. 

2.  Online Focus Group – This method is often for purposes like political, consumer and Business to business research. Involved are pre-selected participants and a moderator.

Qualified participants represent the specific area of interest at a certain time. They take part in a group discussion that often lasts over 2 hours. Respondents receive incentives for their participation.

3.  Online Text Analysis – This technique involves gathering contents already available online and the researcher will explain them.

4.  Online Qualitative Research – This sometimes goes together with quantitative research like online text analysis. This method often gives results necessary for saving time and cost.

5.  Social Network Analysis – This is considerably a new method that came from the popularity of social media.

The researcher’s job may include mapping out and measuring relationships among individuals, groups, and even computers.

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Types Of Online Research

These may also refer to the purpose or goal of the research.

1.  Customer Satisfaction – Traditional methods of researching customer satisfaction include phone calls or mail that asks customers about their feedback on particular products and services.

Web research on customer satisfaction may involve surveys or apps.

2.  Brand Loyalty – You could also find a job post where the task is to understand the loyalty of consumers to a certain brand or company.

You need to determine what attracts people to a certain brand and point out what keeps them from always choosing that brand. This research will help improve or maintain a product or service.

3.  New Product – Your job as a data researcher is to help ensure that a new product will gain success on its launching.

This may involve focus groups with members of the target market who will test the new product, possibly prior to its launch.  

You will collect their feedback so the company or manufacturer could use the data to further improve the new product.

4.  Employee Satisfaction and Engagement  - An organization needs to give attention to what its employees need. 

When employees and staff feel satisfied, the success and profits of a company follow because they will have the heart and mind to work for the company’s welfare.

If they hire you as a researcher in a company, this could be part of your job, too.

Technical Requirements

The tools of the trade of a data researcher include a working computer and fast internet connection.

You will need to spend hours performing your duties so if you can afford it, invest on ergonomic desk and chair to ensure you will work with comfort and ease.

You will usually find the technical requirements on the job ad.


You would hardly see an age requirement in job ads for data or web research. Just like other home-based online jobs, you need to be of legal working age.

There is no maximum age limit too, but considering this job mainly involves the use of modern technology, many clients might prefer younger applicants over the older ones.

Younger applicants would be more well-rounded to use the internet.

How To Apply

If you take an interest in data research jobs, you may start your job hunt on a search engine like Google.

When you type the keyword, you may include your country or the industry you wish to partake in if you want the search results to have somewhat filtered results (according to your locality and field of interest).

You will probably find jobs listed on job websites and portals. To apply, you may need to sign up first to that website.

Some employers just rely on the application procedures of the job portals while others already include special instructions in the job ad.

Through these instructions, the employer could already determine which applicants follow instructions and they shortlist these people for the next phase of application.

Potential Income

Pay rate varies per job. According to Payscale, the average hourly rate for a web researcher is $17.91.

This is only an estimate. Your potential income will depend on various factors like complexity of the tasks, region you will work in, size of company, etc.

Work Schedule

Work schedules also vary per job offer. Employers usually include the work schedule in the job ad. This will help both the employer and the applicant save time right from the start.

As an applicant, you will know which jobs you could apply to depending on the work schedule. 

With the schedule already given, you may opt to apply for other data researcher jobs that will suit your free time.


The perks of working as a web researcher vary per job and employer.



  • With the internet, you can skip the hassles of physically visiting the libraries of different cities just to gather data.
  • You can also look for other online tools that will make your research more effective and organized.
  • You can take on multiple jobs if your schedule will allow.
  • You could learn a lot of new subjects and topics from each job you take.
  • You could find a job even if you have no college diploma.


  • You could easily feel overwhelmed by the amazing amount of information available online.
  • You need to research a topic thoroughly to provide validated info. While there are sources of information that you can trust, keep in mind that the internet can also be a breeding ground for scammers.
  • Sometimes, a topic has a limited amount of information available. Therefore, you need to have the motivation to keep searching until you get quality results.

It could be worthwhile to be a data researcher, knowledge-wise, since you get to learn new things each time you do your research.

There are many available jobs out there, yet realize that choosing this career requires that you will constantly look for job offers. That's because most jobs are on a project basis only so once it concludes, you must find work elsewhere.

Put your research skills to best use so your cash and job flow will not cease. Learn blogging for income, which requires the same amount of effort researching and learning.

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