
Learn More About Chegg Tutoring Jobs & Get Hired In 7 Days Or Less 

Last Modified: July 4, 2021

By: pitin

If you are one of these educators seeking opportunities that the internet offers, this post about Chegg tutoring jobs will push you to the right direction. 

About Chegg Tutoring Jobs

About Chegg Tutoring Jobs

Chegg online tutors can provide help on any topic or subject that students need help with.

Chegg offers services to students who need help in answering a question or recurring sessions with a tutor. This means that your tutoring position could involve answering a one time question or tutoring the students frequently.

Chegg matches students to tutors whose specializations suit the needs of the students.  

You may only tutor a student according to your field of study on a live session such as via virtual whiteboard of audio/video/text chat. You could tutor in the subject that you like to students of various levels.


Applicant tutors should be at least 18 years old. Chegg’s tutor application is of strict nature. Not just anyone who wants to earn money easily could join. Only those who are qualified and credible will be part of Chegg.

I say this because Chegg will require applicants to provide any two of the following proof of identification and credentials:

a)  Picture of your diploma

b)  Student ID

c)  Scanned copies of official/unofficial transcripts

d) College acceptance letter or enrolment verification from the university registrar

e)  National Student Clearing house enrolment verification

f)   Teaching/tutoring certification

g)  Other documents that will confirm your current enrolment or that you were once a student at that university for 4 years.

As for technical requirements, you need a computer and an internet connection to perform your tutoring duties.

Marketing Your Tutoring Service, Know Your Tutor Duties

Students find tutors like you by first searching for the subject they need a tutor for. In order for a student searching for tutors to find your profile in the search results, set up your account settings accordingly. 

Sign in to your account and click on your Dashboard (upper right corner). To the right of your photo and name, you will find the settings icon.

Toggle the button to activate “show my profile in search results.” This way, when the student searching for a tutor sees your profile in the search results, he could message you directly to request for a lesson.

You may also present yourself to the students asking questions. While still on your dashboard, you will see the "opportunities" link on the menu. Clicking this will allow you to see questions that students have posted.

You also have your Chegg tutor profile link that you may post and share via social media channels.

While Chegg allows you to market your Chegg tutor profile offsite, it does not permit you to exchange contact details (email, Skype, WhatsApp, etc) with students for off site tutoring.

You may only communicate with the students using the Chegg chat platform, written lessons and lesson space. Otherwise, Chegg will deactivate your tutor profile because this is a policy violation.

Speaking of inappropriate actions that could lead to your termination as a Chegg tutor, there are also instances when students themselves might ask you to do something that is inappropriate.

For example, during a live session and the student asks that you complete his assignment or asks help for a graded quiz, know that this is not part of your Chegg tutor duties.

If this happens, decline professionally while giving a reminder to that student of Chegg Honor Code. Exit the live lesson quickly.

If this student gives you a negative review, you may contact Chegg and dispute the review. If you insist on accommodating the student with such requests, Chegg could deactivate your profile.

Calculating Tutoring Time

As mentioned earlier, tutors at Chegg may answer questions or attend live sessions with students.

Tutoring time for each tutor, therefore, varies. Tutoring time for billing is something you need to know about. What counts as tutoring times are:

a)  Time spent with a student as the live session progresses

b)  Time bid showed on a written lesson where you submit an explanation

c)  Late time to the scheduled lesson as you wait in lesson space

d) Scheduled lessons missed by at least 15 minutes, but there were no cancellations of lessons by the student

e)  Half of the duration of a scheduled lesson canceled only less than 24 hours earlier

f)   Lessons less than 5 minutes (still considered 5 minutes)

g)  Partial minutes rounded off to the nearest minutes.

Tutoring Time

Understand also the calculation of your tutoring time when a student cancels his lesson. In a live session, you can communicate directly to students via text/audio chat or live video.

You can also draw on the whiteboard, review essays on the text editor, and can review programs on the code editor.

If the student cancels a live session within 24 hours, you will still receive your payment for it. The same applies when the student is late for the live lessons.

Once you claim a written lesson, there is no way a student can re-schedule or cancel it, unless he contacts the Chegg Tutors Support.

Although the Support Team approves the cancellation request, you will still possibly get your payment for the written lesson.

Negative Reviews

We mentioned receiving negative reviews earlier, if ever you refuse the request of a student for you to complete his assignment. Students may leave a review for tutors they worked with, and receiving negative reviews are inevitable. 

After a certain number of negative reviews and students’ feedback, along with your overall teaching record, Chegg could deem when it is appropriate to terminate your account.

Therefore, it is a must that you know how to avoid getting negative reviews from students.

1.  Prevent a student from abruptly leaving the lesson space during a live lesson by frequently asking him if they understand what you teach and can still follow the flow of the lesson.

2.  If you feel that the student cannot grasp what you are explaining or if the student asks too many questions, just void the lesson before the student himself leaves.

This way, the student will not need to pay you for the lesson.

3.  For written lessons, always place a message at the end to encourage the student to contact you for follow-up questions. You may also follow up with him after the lesson via chat.

You may appeal negative reviews when

  • there is a technical/website error.
  • there was academic dishonesty from the student.
  • the student asked you to complete his assignment.
  • the student misbehaved.

Raise a dispute by providing the necessary details when you email the support team:

a)  Date of live/written lesson

b)  Subject

c)  Student’s name

d) Reason for dispute

After the Support team reviews your dispute and finds that the student was at fault, only then will they remove the negative review.

You may report a student who behaves badly, and if that student often gets this report from many tutors, Chegg will ban him from the platform.

The loophole in this case is that this student could set up or use multiple accounts to still harass tutors.

How To Apply

You may sign up either through your email or through Facebook or Google. After this, you will provide any two of the proof of identification enumerated above.

Signing up using your email requires that you also submit a photo of yourself while holding your government-issued ID (passport, driver’s license, etc.).

Also, part of the application process is taking a test for gauging your proficiency in the subject you will teach.

It would be an excellent idea, although optional, to submit a recorded video where you will introduce yourself and outline your qualifications for the subject you will teach.

After submitting these, wait within 7 business days for the update of your application. You can only apply once and cannot re-apply if you did not make it on your first try.

Once approved, you may select the subjects where you excel and answer questions within these subjects.

Potential Income

Top tutors or those with excellent tutoring performance could earn as much as $1,000 a month, but tutors have a starting rate of $20 per hour.

This rate applies for the calculated minutes you sent on live lessons and written lessons each week.

They claim that if you spent only 2 minutes in a live lesson, you will get $1.66, which is the payment for a 5 minute session of online tutoring.

They send automatically processed payments through Paypal on Thursday mornings (PST-Pacific Standard Time).

Work Schedule

Be online in order for students to find you. You may log in when you find it convenient, but the best time to get online and to connect with students is between Thursday and Sunday at 2-10 PM PST.

You could always tutor on your free time or anytime you feel doing so.


The perks associated when tutoring at Chegg is unlike the benefits when working as Chegg regular employees. 

However, they have a referral program that lets you earn extra $10 for every referral.

Looking For A Legit Work-From-Home Job?



  • Chegg offers a wonderful opportunity for earning extra money.
  • You could choose the time you like to go online and tutor students.
  • You may earn by answering questions.
  • You may teach the subject of your choice.
  • According to a Quora post, Chegg hires subject experts from different countries, as long as you pass the eligibility criteria.


  • The application process is rather strict since you have to provide proof of your identification and credentials.
  • There is no opportunity for advancement, only possible bonuses.

I believe that Chegg is a worthy platform to check out if you have the appropriate credentials to become a tutor.

The job is not as easy as answering surveys where you ought to only share your experiences. Here, you really have to be knowledgeable about the subject in order to at least answer students’ questions.

If you think your tutoring skills are up to par but don't fit the qualifications for Chegg, why not blog about what you know instead?

Offer free or paid courses on your own website that cover different topics and lessons as well.

This way, people who need someone with experience in what they're struggling with, can turn to you - only if they know where to look!

I have free courses that will teach you how to make your blog profitable and get more students/visitors.

This course has everything I know about blogging, from keyword research to content marketing in Google via Search Engine Optimization (SEO).

You'll also learn the basics of writing for SEO purposes as well as a range of other tips and tricks!

Would love to know your thoughts, please comment! :)

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