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How To Start A Blog About Music And Make A Living Online

How To Start A Recipe Blog – The Secret Ingredients!

In this post, we will look at the basics of starting your own recipe blog and some tips for maximizing your readership.

Have you ever considered taking your passion for cooking and making it into a business? If so, then you should definitely consider starting a recipe blog!

how to start a recipe blog

In the world of food blogging, it can feel like there is a lot to learn and accomplish before you start cooking. Do not let these excuses stop you from getting started today.

You don't need fancy equipment or a certain number of followers to get started on your recipe blog journey.

All you need is the passion for what you're doing, an idea for what type of recipes to share (or no plan at all!), and the ability to commit yourself fully.

How Many Recipes Do You Need To Have In Order To Start A Food Blog?

You can start a food blog with only one recipe. Then you grow from there.

Food bloggers don't always create their own recipes. They may use other people's recipes or modify them to make them their own.

For example, some food bloggers might change ingredients in the recipe, switch up cooking methods, and substitute one type of cheese for another.

You can even get inspired by Pinterest recipes but make sure to offer your own twist so you can stand out.

If you're interested in writing your own blog posts with "original content," then be prepared to spend time coming up with new ideas. Create recipes from scratch to post on your blog.

This is one of the reasons why food blogging can be a really rewarding job since you can practically invent a dish from thin air!

Is It Okay To Post A Recipe From Another Cookbook On My Blog?

Although the list of ingredients is not under copyright law when it comes to recipes, the accompanying recipe and pictures are.

If you did the cooking as per the original recipe, you could repost the recipe with all of the same ingredients while crediting the original author in a way - whether through words or a link pointing to the source.

How Do You Write An Introduction To A Food Blog?

A good way to introduce your blog is by sharing a bit about yourself. Start the post with something personal, like how you got into cooking or what food means to you. What are your favourite things to cook?

Write in an informal tone that will encourage others to join in and share their thoughts too!

Adding photos of yourself cooking (when possible) will also give readers a better idea of the author's personality. Here's more on how to create your About page.

How to Start a Recipe Blog And Make Money?

When it comes to deciding what kind of foods you should blog about, there are a few things that you'll want to consider.

Where do you live? This is important so you'll have easy access to ingredients.

What's your budget? Some ingredients are more expensive than others.

How much time do you have to spend on the blog? If it's a side project, how many hours per week can you commit to developing content for this site and posting new recipes regularly?

What type of cuisine is your favourite? Pick topics that speak most highly about who you are!

Once you've got these all figured out, the next step is to figure out how you want your site set up. You need a domain name and web host.

This lesson will teach you how to build a website in less than 3 minutes.

Once you've got these all figured out, it's time to start writing content! Make sure to post new recipes regularly!

To attract more readers, try updating your recipe blog with the latest food trends and styles every few months or so.

How Much Does A Food Blogger Make?

Each blog’s income depends largely on its traffic (visitors) which ranges anywhere from 0 visitors per month up to 16 million monthly views like Tasty.

It's all connected together:

  1. You need traffic
  2. In order to have visitors, you need to produce content they can consume
  3. You need to learn SEO to reach out to people using Google and other search engines
  4. Pinterest works amazingly well for recipe blogs, take advantage of it!
  5. Some people invest in ads like Facebook Ads or Instagram Ads (once they have the money to reinvest)

Then, you need to learn how to monetize your site (this is often called “monetization”).

There are many different ways of getting paid as a food blogger.

As a beginner, the easiest way is thru affiliate sales from product links in posts. Even if it's something as simple as clicking an Amazon link when shopping online may give commissions.

Then, there's income from advertising banners placed throughout your website's pages.

As your site grows, you can accept sponsored posts where brands pay for blogs to reach your audience.

Some bloggers sell their own products, be it a digital product like a recipe e-book or a physical book.

Others create an online store and share a percentage of sales with companies that manufacture the products.

The possibilities are endless!

How Do I Make My Food Blog Successful?

If you think that food blogging is your type of thing, here are some ways to make it successful:

You need a dedicated space in the kitchen for cooking and preparing meals without any distractions - this way, you can focus on what recipe or dish to prepare next!

Start by making sure that all the equipment you want is readily available. If not, stock up on them at big box stores or hardware shops.

Keep an inventory list updated so that when something breaks down (again!), you'll be able to find replacements quickly.

Plan out how many recipes per week/month based on how much time and budget you have. There's no point posting every day unless you have the time, money, and energy to do so.

Choose a blog post schedule that you can follow consistently and be able to stick with it!

To be successful in food blogging, you need to be dedicated, patient, and creative.

Similar to other businesses, there are many parts that go into starting a successful online business: marketing, promotion, branding, SEO (search engine optimization), customer reviews/feedback, and so on.

Take it one step at a time.

Why Do Food Blogs Fail?

The trick is not just having an idea that has never been done before - it's really about executing that vision properly.

Consistency can also become a problem, as well as not being able to maintain a schedule. For those reasons, it's important to think about how you will keep your blog updated and active on a regular basis so that readers don't lose interest.

It is also common for the author of the blog (not just food bloggers) to get writer's block or feel unmotivated at various points in their content creation process.

This can lead them down an ugly spiral of creating nothing even though they have all these plans up ahead.

That leads us to our next point: time management skills!

If you're busy with school/work then please consider dedicating some hours during the day when there are fewer distractions. Find ways to make more efficient use of your "spare time."

If you have the drive, dedication, creativity, and skills needed, then congrats because there is no limit as to how much success you could achieve.

How Do I Publish A Recipe Online?

Make sure each post has at least an ingredients list, recipe instructions with exact measurements (including quantities of any spices or sauces), and photos if possible. If not, videos are great!

Don't forget to include tags in each post so readers can easily see what other recipes you have.

How Do Food Bloggers Stand Out?

A successful food blog is dependent on the unique voice that it speaks with. There are many ways to find your own personal style and set yourself apart from other recipe bloggers.

Write about what you know! If you love cooking, share recipes in a conversational way. Also, include how to create them without spending too much money.

Share things like how long it takes to prepare each dish or any tips for substituting ingredients if they're not available where you live.

These details make every blog post more distinctive and personalized, so readers will have a better idea of who's writing this article (which plays into building trust).

When photographing dishes, use natural light if possible and take shots from different angles.

If you're using unedited images, be sure to use a recipe card with the title or dish name as well as your blog's URL and social media links so people can find out more about how to recreate these dishes themselves!

Keep things fresh by blogging at least one new post each week. This will help keep readers coming back for updates on recipes they've been following, and might even introduce them to other ones they didn't know existed before!

Don't forget that while your voice is important, it should also address what readers are looking for in a food blog, like the creation of delicious recipes easily recreated in their kitchens, without spending too much money!


It is not too late to start a food blog and get paid. Truth be told, the food blogging world is actually booming right now.

The most important thing: define your target audience. Do you want to focus on cooking for kids, gluten-free recipes, or vegan and vegetarian dishes?

This will help you decide the name of your blog, too (like "Kids Cook") as well as what type of content to include on it (i.e., instead of just offering a number of photos with each recipe post like many bloggers do - create step by step videos that show how easy it is).

Learn keyword research. If you want to make money blogging, it's important that your blog is strategically optimized for SEO keywords in order to attract the right audience.

Then you need traffic! If nobody sees your posts then they'll never be inspired enough to buy from your affiliate links (even if they are Amazon).

You need to keep up with posting new content so people who come back to your site regularly will click through to buy something.

There are many different ways for food bloggers to make money, and they're all very achievable no matter what your situation is (even if you have a full-time job or zero marketing experience).

You just need the right tools in order to get started!

A food blog is an excellent way for people who love eating and cooking to share their recipes with the world!

There's so much knowledge and experience out there in kitchens everywhere, why not become part of it too?

The idea here is not just about making money but more importantly, it's about being able to do something you love and have fun in the process.

Is recipe blogging for you? Leave your thoughts in the comment section below! 🙂

Should I Start A Blog

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  1. Thank you for an inspiring and in-depth article on how to start a food blog. I have learned some valuable information here that will come in very handy on my niche. You made it look so easy to prosper as a blogger and I believe if we can just stop overthinking things it should be easy with some dose of patience.

    1. Overthinking can be paralyzing. If you have the work ethic and drive to push through obstacles, it’s better to take off in a direction rather than exploring every possible avenue before attempting anything at all.

      The potential for success increases exponentially when you’re proactive rather than reactive. So make up your mind and start moving towards that goal. 🙂

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